Version of March 11, 2022
The terms and conditions of use (hereinafter « T&C ») are intended to provide a legal framework for the terms and conditions under which this site (hereinafter the « Website ») and the Water4allSDGs application (hereinafter the « Application ») are made available free of charge by the French Water Partnership (FWP). These T&C define the conditions of access and use of the corresponding services by any person and structure consulting the site or using the application, hereafter referred to as « User ».

When registering on the Website via the Registration Form, each user expressly accepts these T&C by checking the box preceding the text: "I acknowledge that I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions of Use (T&C)". He/she also accepts the Privacy Policy by ticking the corresponding box.
Acceptance of these T&Cs and the Privacy Policy, as well as registration via the dedicated form, condition the User's access to the services offered by the Website.
For certain specific uses, these T&C are supplemented by special Terms of Use or partnership agreements or individualized confidentiality commitments. The provisions of these documents shall then replace the corresponding clauses of these T&C.
ARTICLE 1. Access to the Website and operation of the application
a. Description of services provided to Users
The Website is accessible free of charge and in all places, by the following url:
The Website allows the User free access to the following services:
- information on the Water4allSDGs project;
- description of how to use the Water4allSDGs Application.
Subject to acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy and registration via the Registration Form, the User has access to the following services:
- use of the Water4allSDGs digital Application which allows the User to identify and assess the main contributions to the targets of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of a project, policy or strategy in the water sector. This app is a pedagogical and decision support tool aimed at enabling a better use of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Agenda 2030 in water-related actions;
- description of the Water4allSDGs methodology (hereafter "the Methodology");
- download pdf files summarising the results of the User's evaluations.
b. Registration formalities
Use of the Application is conditional on the User's registration. The User must enter his/her surname, first name, email address, organisation, country and user name. Their conditions of use are detailed in the Privacy policy. Users who have not completed the registration form or accepted the T&Cs and the privacy policy will not be able to access the services.
By registering, the User undertakes to provide accurate and truthful information concerning his/her civil status and contact details. The FWP can in no way guarantee the truthfulness of the information provided by the User during registration. In the event that the User provides inaccurate, outdated or incomplete data, the FWP will be entitled to refuse registration, suspend it or proceed with the definitive closure of the User's account and refuse all access to the services.
In order to access the reserved services again when reconnecting, the User must identify himself using the identifier and password he chose when registering.
Any User who is regularly registered may request to unsubscribe by going to the dedicated page on his personal space. This will be made effective within a reasonable period of time after his request for unsubscription.
The User may contact the Website by the means described on the page Contact us, in particular to report any operating difficulties. For any question relating to the application of these T&C, he may also contact the editor at the address and phone number indicated in the Legal Information.
c. Use of the Application
The User is permitted to use the Website, the Application and the Content on its own behalf for the purpose of evaluating contributions to the SDGs, within the limits set out below.
This right of use, granted free of charge, is revocable, non-transferable and non-exclusive and is subject to strict compliance with the following obligations:
- the Water4allSDGs Application may only be used for personal, professional, educational and/or information purposes, excluding any use for commercial and/or advertising purposes. In particular, its results may not under any circumstances be marketed..
d. Using PDF files of evaluation results
Use of the Water4allSDGs Application leads to the creation of PDF files of results that the User downloads to their computer, after the assessment questionnaire has been recorded and processed.
These files are documents that the User may reproduce for his/her personal use or that of the entity to which he/she belongs and disseminate publicly on condition that the results are kept in their entirety, without any modification or alteration of any kind and, in particular, concerning the signs and mentions relating to the Methodology and the version used.
The only excerpts allowed from these PDF files are the bar charts sorted by theme or SDG, which must then be copied in full without any deletions or additions.
After transmission to the User, the PDF files of results are anonymised and then archived by the FWP in order to enable it to verify if necessary the absence of modification or alteration when disseminating the results to third parties.
ARTICLE 2. Types of Users
a. Individual Users and Group Users
The Application can be used by a User in two different ways:
- either as a single User (hereinafter "Individual User"), in which case no other User can access his/her projects registered on the Website;
- or as a User sharing the results of his or her impact assessments with members of a group, each of whom having their own account and sharing the results of their evaluations online (hereinafter "Group Users")).
The creation of a user group is carried out by the site administrators in the context of an agreement between an organisation and the FWP providing for this modality. This organisation then indicates to the FWP the names of the persons to be attached to the group. This attachment is carried out by the site administrators.
The User who is part of a group decides himself/herself whether or not to attach his/her projects registered on the Website to the group.
Once the group is created in the application, Users attached to that group have the ability to view assessments made by other members of the same group. This sharing modality is expressly authorised by any User who has originally accepted membership of the group.
b. Actions in the framework of the FWP or in the framework of partnership agreements with the FWP
Where the Website and the Application are used internally by the FWP or by its members acting as such or by organisations under agreements with the FWP, special terms of use may apply.
ARTICLE 3. Intellectual property and content available on the Website
The overall structure of the Website and the Application as well as the elements that make them up such as texts, graphics, images, sounds, data, animations, gifs and/or videos (hereinafter "the Content"), are the exclusive property of the editor, excluding the Methodology and elements belonging to other partner organisations or third parties.
The User of this Website does not acquire any title or ownership rights (including any title or intellectual property rights) whatsoever in all or any part of the Website, the Application, the Methodology and/or the Content.
Any modification, reproduction, incorporation, distribution, publication or exploitation, whether direct or derivative of the Content is strictly prohibited subject to the uses expressly authorised by these T&C, unless express prior authorisation is obtained from the site administrators via the address mentioned in the Contact us tab.
The Application made available on the Website was designed by the French Water Partnership thanks to the retranscription of a specific Methodology created by Mr Gérard PAYEN entitled Water4AllSDGs.
Mr Gérard PAYEN is the owner of all intellectual property rights attached to the Methodology. Any reproduction, modification and/or adaptation whatsoever of the Methodology is strictly prohibited. Any public communication relating to the Methodology must be accompanied, in a visible and intelligible manner, by its title and the name of its author Gérard Payen.
The Water4allSDGs brand is a trademark registered by Mr PAYEN. Any representation, reproduction or exploitation of the said trademark without the express agreement of Mr PAYEN is therefore prohibited, in particular in accordance with the provisions of Book VII of the French Intellectual Property Code and in particular, Article L713-2 of the said Code.
It is recalled that the violation of one or more of the rights set out above is likely to be the subject of civil or criminal proceedings, in particular on the basis of counterfeiting.
For permission or information requests, please contact us via the address mentioned in the Contact us tab.
ARTICLE 4. Account deletion
A User may at any time request the deletion of his/her account. His individual data will then be deleted from the databases. The same applies to their project evaluation data. Only the names and descriptions of the projects for which he/she has used the Application and the corresponding PDF reports are retained, but anonymously.
The FWP reserves the right to delete any inactive account and attached evaluation data after 18 months of no login on the Website.
The FWP reserves the right to delete a User's account in the event of a clear violation of these Terms and Conditions of Use (T&C) or behaviour likely to undermine the proper functioning of the Website or the Application, its reputation, its image, public order, the applicable legislation, regulations and good morals. Such deletion could be justified in particular if the infringement is formalised by a publication within the Application or the Website (including in the evaluation inserts).
ARTICLE 5. Hypertext links
The website contains hypertext links to other third party websites. The FWP is not in a position to check the content of these third party websites and declines all responsibility for any violation, direct or indirect, of any legal and/or regulatory provision of said third party websites, excluding the FWP website itself.
Any public or private site is permitted to link to the information provided by the French Water Partnership or to the Water4allSDGs home page or to the Water4allSDGs Methodology without prior permission. However, the other pages of and the Water4allSDGs Application may not be integrated or incorporated into the pages of any other site.
This authorisation is granted insofar as the establishment of a link to the Website is not carried out in the context of the dissemination of information likely to infringe the law and morality (and in particular any communication of a discriminatory, racist or pornographic nature).
The setting up of hypertext links redirecting to a third-party site incorporating the Content ("framing" technique) is prohibited.
ARTICLE 6. Liability
The User agrees to use the Water4allSDGs Application to make its own choices and estimates of contributions to the SDGs.
The User is solely responsible for his/her evaluations. The FWP shall not be held responsible in any way for the misuse of the services or the evaluation results obtained, nor for the interpretation given by the User to the information given on the Website.
The sources of the information disseminated on the Website are deemed reliable and all means are implemented to ensure access and proper functioning of the Website and the services. The editor does not, however, guarantee that it is free of defects, errors or omissions.
In the event of a shortcoming, error or possible malfunction, we would be grateful if you could notify us by email at the address on the page Contact us describing the problem as precisely as possible (page causing the problem, triggering action, type of computer and browser used, ...) in order to help us improve the services.
The User shall ensure to keep his/her personal password secret. He/she assumes the risks associated with the use of his/her identifier and password. Any disclosure of the personal password, in whatever form, is prohibited. The Website declines all responsibility in this respect.
The Website cannot be held responsible for any viruses that may infect the system, the computer or any computer equipment of the Internet user, following use, access or downloading from this Website. Any content downloaded is done so at the User's own risk and under his/her sole responsibility. Consequently, the FWP cannot be held responsible for any damage to the User's computer or any loss of data resulting from downloading.
The Water4allSDGs Application pursues an educational and informational purpose, for non-commercial purposes and the liability of the FWP is limited to the provision, as such, of the Website and the Application.
The assessment conducted on the Website does not constitute an official certification, endorsement or authorisation of any kind. It is an assessment tool intended to assist Users in the design and implementation of a project, policy or strategy by helping them to detect and understand the potential impacts on the achievement of the SDG targets.
The FWP accepts no responsibility for any direct or indirect consequences resulting from the evaluation of the User's project, its exploitation and/or dissemination.
The responsibility of the FWP cannot be engaged in case of force majeure in accordance with the law (article 1218 of the French Civil Code) and the French jurisprudence or the unforeseeable and insurmountable fact of a third party.
In this respect, the French Water Partnership shall not be held liable for any event due to a case of force majeure resulting in particular in a malfunction of the Website or server. The same applies to any interruption or modification in case of maintenance or improvement of the Application, even in the absence of prior notice.
ARTICLE 7. Cookie Policy
A cookie is a small text file stored, and/or read by the User's browser, on the hard disk of their terminal (PC, laptop or smartphone, for example) and deposited by the websites they visit.
As part of the normal operation of the Website and Application, the FWP does not use cookies.
ARTICLE 8. Invalidity of a clause and waiver
In the event that any of the clauses of these terms and conditions are declared null and void by a change in legislation, regulation or by a court decision, this shall not affect the validity of and compliance with these Terms and Conditions.
The failure of the FWP to exercise its rights hereunder shall not constitute a waiver of such rights.
ARTICLE 9. Modification of Terms and Conditions of Use (T&C)
The Company reserves the right to modify all or part of these T&C, at any time and without prior notice.
The Company will notify Users whose accounts are registered on the Website of changes to these Terms and Conditions as soon as they are posted on the Website.
In case of refusal to adhere to the new T&C, the User has a period of 24 hours from the date of notification to inform the Company by e-mail.
In the event that the User has not notified his disagreement within the period provided for above, he will be deemed to have accepted the modifications.
In case of disagreement, the FWP reserves the right to delete the User's account.
ARTICLE 10. Applicable law and competent courts
These T&C are written in French, which is the reference language for any possible dispute.
These T&C are governed by French law.
Failing an amicable agreement between the parties, any dispute in connection with the validity, interpretation or performance of these T&C will fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the jurisdiction of the FWP's registered office.